Thursday 15 June 2023

Five of My Favourite Facts About Cornwall.

Carloggas Downs
Sometimes I will come across a random fact since living here, some facts people will already know but others never get spoken about. It never occurred to me when I was younger to notice the small things but the older I get the more ap…
Friday 14 April 2023

Tregargus Valley | Time Stands Still.

I may have lived here for 15 years but there is still so much I haven't learnt about Cornwall. I know bits and pieces about its history yet I'm still to dive into it at more depth. My partner tells me the history of some places we have been …
Tuesday 28 February 2023

Spring Has Sprung

Good morning and a very cheery hello from me, the weather is getting warmer which has lifted my spirits as well as planting my seedlings which have started to sprout. Last year I went for wild flower seeds and although they are beautiful a lot of th…
Tuesday 6 December 2022

It's Time To Come Back.

This year has zoomed by so unexpectedly fast, there is a lot that has changed not just with me but also with life events which I won't go into. I love this time of year even though its an extremely sad time with anniversaries but I push on and m…
Tuesday 11 January 2022

How I Create a Hygge Life.

Hygge has been around for a few years now, I can remember just how much it blew up and being one of those people unsure of looking into it more and as of recently I gave it a chance. This blog centers around cosiness which is basically what Hygge me…
Tuesday 21 December 2021

Waving Goodbye to 2021.

How is it winter already? Autumn zoomed past us, it was so mild but now we have reached winter it got cold so quickly within a day! Luckily my cat gives me lots of warm snuggles. She has been poorly lately and has now been put on a special diet whic…
Sunday 12 December 2021

Autumnal Mevagissey

We popped to Mevagissey last month after my hospital appointment, I needed a distraction and what better place to go than Mevagissey. We sat down and had a sausage roll and enjoyed the nice chill in the air. I love watching people walk past with the…
Tuesday 26 October 2021

The Vast Beauty of Luxulyan.

James and I have been here a few times now, it's one of them places that's not only perfect for taking the kids to burn off energy but also taking in the scenery and rich heritage around you (which you can read about HERE). Once again I had …