ʚThe Cosy Mermaidɞ

Pink Haired girlie drinking tea by the Cornish sea with my Kerensa ♡ 𖤓𖠳 ᐝ ꕀ Kernow Bys Vyken 〓〓 *⋆⍋* ⸙͎*⋆𓋼𓍊
Latest from the blog

Healthier & Happier

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Healthier & Happier

Now don't be deceived by the title, I may say healthier but I mean in a weight sense not my chronic illness and other issues I have faced. I have tried everything when it comes to my weight and as hard as this is for me to admit I did have a bin…

Summer is Calling.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Summer is Calling.

As I sit here with some sort of chest and throat infection I keep thinking about what I have to look forward to. Summer is here and that means brighter evenings sitting in the garden enjoying food and drink which always makes me happy. I'm sligh…

Royal Cornwall Museum 2024.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Royal Cornwall Museum 2024.

A few weeks ago we visited The Royal Cornwall Museum in Truro, I had never been and James wanted to make the most of the time we had in Truro that day. He bought us both a membership which was £7.50 and can be used as an annual membership for the ye…

Life lately.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Life lately.

In lockdown a lot of people discovered baking bread. I wasn't one of them in fact all i spent my time losing a lot of weight which I'm still very proud of as I've kept it off. At the end of last year I started looking into foods that wou…

Become A Member | Kernow Edition.

Wednesday 12 July 2023

Become A Member | Kernow Edition.

There is a lot to pick from when it comes to memberships around the UK, this one will focus on cornwall, some memberships I've had/got and others I want to get. It can be costly especially in the cost of living crisis, one thing I can say is to …

Polly Joke Poppies.

Monday 26 June 2023

Polly Joke Poppies.

Hello, it's me, your Wildlife/Nature loving girl! Last year whilst on Facebook one of the local groups I'm part of reposted a post from iWalk Cornwall, since seeing the post I've wanted to go and given I haven't been that way in a fe…

Summer Solstice 2023.

Tuesday 20 June 2023

Summer Solstice 2023.

Happy Summer Solstice for tomorrow! For those who aren't aware the Summer Solstice represents the first day of summer. The Solstice won't always occur on the same day, but it represents the longest day of the year. It marks the moment the su…

The Royal Cornwall Show 2023

Thursday 15 June 2023

The Royal Cornwall Show 2023

James booked tickets for us both tickets to go to The Royal Cornwall Show and he knew I would be excited as they had a Bee and Honey section and I'm a bee fan! The Royal Cornwall Show was first founded in 1793 and known as the Cornwall Agricultu…