I was browsing Tiktok and came across Menacuddle Well, I had seen the waterfall in pictures before but never knew where it was, I asked my partner James about it and he said it wasn't far from us and said we could go together. I was under the impression it would be a trail which I'm not good with due to my condition, I was pleasantly surprised to see a charming little picnic place hidden down a road I would have missed if it wasn't pointed out to me. Menacuddle Well has a rich history like much of Cornwall, it's said to be dated from the late 15th century and underwent restoration in the early 20th century. The Well is situated inside the most dainty chapel you could ever come across and has been kept in great condition, it doesn't look much like a typical Well you would find but it's considered to be very holy, the water was used to heal various illnesses there is also old tale that if someone drops a bent pin into the well then wishes their wish is granted or brings good luck.
Outside the Chapel you will see it's built against a rock face, inside the building is a small well basin on the floor, there is something very calming about being in the chapel it's very cool and peaceful but at times it has been known to flood. Just outside of the chapel there is a waterfall and a little bridge, once you walk across the bridge you come across a small picnic area which is big enough for 2 or 3 families, James and I were the ones there for our picnic which was lovely. Listening to the trickling water of the river and the birds chirping away really made my day especially when I had to go for a blood test after.
As you head into the car park you will see the beautiful little waterfall which I couldn't stop taking pictures of, the way it flows is mesmerising. Whilst you're on the side with the chapel across from the bridge you will see a solid granite chair, this is known as the Droids Chair and King Arthur's Seat, located around MenaCuddle Well there are information posts with types of birds, animals and plants are around you and information on the Well's/Droid Chairs history. There is a decent sized car park but the biggest issue is trying to get out of the turning as there can be a bit of a blind spot to the left of you when pulling out.
Unfortunately parts were littered even though there clearly is a bin for rubbish, the pond seemed to have the worst of it and needs a good clear out, I'm not sure if it's from people throwing rubbish from their cars as the main road runs right above Menacuddle Well, or if it's people visiting doing it, either way it ruins such a charming place. The litter will sadly sink, I know that this decreases oxygen within the water and the plastic can be a big choking hazard for wildlife. This however didn't ruin my little trip, I could have spent all day there with a book under a tree, it's the perfect place to stay cool and enjoy a picnic this summer. If you want to visit it, MenaCuddle Well is situated on 81 Bodmin Rd, Saint Austell PL25 5AG.